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Beginners Guide to Photography (DSLR & Mirrorless Photography) (Course)

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If you’re new to the world of photography, it can feel a little overwhelming when you open up your camera and see 1/100, F4, ISO100, 3200K, RAW and even more confusing settings. Well, in this course, I’m going to run you through all of the important settings in your camera. This will allow you to take your camera out of automatic mode and put it into manual mode, allowing you to take full advantage of the camera and its sensor.

It doesn’t end there though! When creating this course, my aim was to make you feel comfortable enough to take photos in any environment. So, we jump into composition and framing, lighting, lenses, and filters, then run you through a few different types of photography and what you need to look out for (portrait, long exposure, sports/action, etc.) before finishing up with a photo editing tutorial in Adobe Lightroom Classic.

If you’re new to DSLR and/or mirrorless photography, then this course is for you. This course is designed with beginners in mind, so I make sure to explain every term and setting and most importantly, when and why you would use certain settings and techniques. If you don’t own or can’t access a DSLR or mirrorless camera, that’s fine! You can use composition and framing, lighting, lenses, caste studies, and editing episodes to improve your phone photography.

So, grab your camera, and let’s begin taking some amazing photos!


Maria S: "Phenomenal introductory class, thank you. I appreciated your cadence, and instruction. It was so well organized. I will look up your other courses. I feel that I can genuinely apply what I've learned after completing this course. My favorite bits were the lighting lessons. I'm excited to put what I learned into practice."

Adrian Nemerenco: "This course is extremely informative, guiduing and easy to grasp for beginners. The theory described was followed by real examples making it all more comprehensive and interesting. Loved the structure and teacher. Definitely one of the best courses on Photography."

Alex M: Really helpful and comprehensive. I'm now in charge of taking corporate pictures at work so this course has helped me immensely. Clearly and simply explained the functions of the camera and gave easy to understand examples and visuals.

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Beginners Guide to Photography (DSLR & Mirrorless Photography) (Course)

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